
Using Maps
david lemke david lemke

Using Maps

Outdoor maps in DnD Adventure Club are a good representation of our story focus. Our maps show major encounter locations and plot elements, and are not meant to represent actual distance or rigid travel times.

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Keeping a List of NPC Names Handy
david lemke david lemke

Keeping a List of NPC Names Handy

You can never be prepared for every player’s whim, and you might spend a good amount of time winging encounters with unplanned Non-Player Characters and interactions. And that’s ok. Lean into it; enjoy the ride.

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Becoming Frightened!
david lemke david lemke

Becoming Frightened!

Fear is a magical condition that happens when an adventurer is affected by a fear spell or the frightful presence of a monster.

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Survival Checks
david lemke david lemke

Survival Checks

WISDOM (Survival) Ability Checks are the catchall Ability Check for adventuring in a wilderness setting.

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Balancing Adventures
david lemke david lemke

Balancing Adventures

The only rule of DnD that we consider unbreakable is the “Rule of Cool”. The Rule of Cool is: “If any rule is getting in the way of your players having a great time at your table, ignore that rule.”

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david lemke david lemke


Poison in DnD has many overlapping, insidious effects. The most immediate effect of poison is the potential to cause extra damage.

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The Restrained Condition
david lemke david lemke

The Restrained Condition

The official game rules about player movement, grappling, incapacity, restraint, and engagement are very detailed. We greatly simplify movement by declaring, “If you can see something, you can engage it,” unless the text tells you otherwise. One of those exceptions is when an adventurer is Restrained.

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Turn Undead
david lemke david lemke

Turn Undead

One of the classic powers of a Cleric is the ability to dramatically admonish undead creatures and cause them to flee.

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Adventuring Supplies
david lemke david lemke

Adventuring Supplies

All players start every new adventuring session with a fresh pack of seven days hard rations and a water skin. Additionally, allow each adventurer to pick from one of the following packs: Wizard, Dungeon or Outdoor Packs.

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How to Wish
david lemke david lemke

How to Wish

As a Game Master, listen to the exact words your player uses when making a wish. Don’t be excessively mean, but look for parts of the player’s wording that might open the door for a twist.

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Roll for Initiative!
david lemke david lemke

Roll for Initiative!

Initiative is the first roll of any combat encounter, setting the stage for the entire encounter to follow. You “Roll for Initiative” to establish the order of the monsters’ and players’ actions. Everyone involved in the combat has an initiative score that, moving from highest to lowest, tells them the order in which they get to make their action.

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Advantage and Disadvantage
david lemke david lemke

Advantage and Disadvantage

Advantage is a simple system a Game Master can use to reward players for using smart tactics or having an edge in a situation - or simply to add some role playing flavor.

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Rolling a “Natural 20”
david lemke david lemke

Rolling a “Natural 20”

After adding up all their bonuses, it’s common for players to have a total of over 20. But when a player rolls a d20, and a 20 is the result on the die, we call it a “Natural 20”.

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david lemke david lemke


The effects of poison are some of the most nefarious and deadly in the game.

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How do illusions work?
david lemke david lemke

How do illusions work?

An illusion is a magical effect that makes its target see, hear, feel, or smell something that isn’t really there.

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Saving Throws
david lemke david lemke

Saving Throws

Making or failing a Saving Throw is often the dramatic high point of an adventure.

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