Customer Stories
The best part of our day is when we get customer feedback telling us how much the adventures mean to them. We actually do a HAPPY DANCE for each and every one. Here are some of our favorites! Enjoy!

Nick A. says...
“My kiddo (10) and I just played through the DnD Quick Start Guide and the first bit of The Wandering Hut.
Both of us absolutely loved it; this is perfect for getting younger kiddos into DnD without a ton of extra overhead. We played for 3 hours and I immediately subscribed, it’s that good!”
Natalie R. says...
“Your adventures are just so easy to read through and all of the work feels done. The supplemental materials are well done too. I love that all I have to do is read through it ahead of time and print some stuff out. And, the artwork is lovely!”
Dave N. says...
“I used the Unexpected Treasure set with one group and A Giant Problem set with the other group so they couldn’t chat back and forth on how to solve problems. Both were easy to prep, and the kids really enjoyed them.
Since all were first timers to a campaign, the books made it easy to coach them back to places they “needed” to go even if they chose not to go there. The Giant Problem group kept choosing to go camping in the woods, and the other group wanted to spend days hunting werebunnies”
Sampson Y. says...
“The game turned out great. We had two 8 year olds, a 6 year old, and another Dad. I read the intro of Baba, and the kids picked up on the pickled beets as funny and gross. The kids did great with a simple rendition of the basement because I ran out of time trying to print out the cellar resource from your website.
My favorite part of the night was when Grumpy took his first swing at one of the rats. I asked the kid how she wanted to swing the axe and she responded with an overhead motion. I then asked her if Grumpy screams anything during the attack, and her brother (the 6 year old) screamed out "FOR THE PICKLES!!!!!". So yeah, thank you again for the great product. We will forever be grateful to be able to avenge all pickle-kind.”
Andrew L. says...
“This is perfect for our family. I had wanted to get my kids involved into roleplaying games but had no idea where to start. The Quickstart Guide, one episode, and a couple YouTube videos were the perfect start for a noob like me. The booklets and premade characters have made it extremely simple to get going and now "Adventuring" is my kids' favorite activity. The adventures are definitely appropriate for younger kids.
And I love it as a parent because my kids are having fun together, while also learning lessons like math, acting, perseverance, and also consequences of actions. A win all around!
Well done DnD Adventure Club!”
Jon B. says...
“AMAZING. We are about to start book 4 and I can't wait to see what book 5 looks like, well worth it if you are an experienced DM who is looking for kid-friendly themes laid out for you. *edit* I don't think you need to be an experienced DM for this material, I just am one and I think this material is perfect for starters all the way up to the almost burned out ALWAYS DM ahem me. *end edit* I dm a session on Friday nights for adult friends and my kids really want to enjoy dnd with me after hearing all the fun I have with them. This takes a ton of weight off of me to come up with material and it is perfect for the kids. Honestly, I wouldn't mind playing these adventures. 100% would recommend to anyone.”
Shane G. says...
“1st off, waaaaaay impressed with the club you've set up! I subscribed to this service with high hopes, and you absolutely delivered!! My son is 9yrs old and has autism, so he has trouble in social situations. Dungeons and Dragons had done so much for me as a kid as far as putting my character in real possible social interactions, that allowed me to become less socially awkward. My intention was to help my son in the same way, while making many fond memories with him through the game. The quick rules guide was fantastic!!! He picked it up so quickly and couldn't wait to play. He had a BLAST! We were having so much fun that we nearly missed one of his therapy sessions.”
Rob C. says...
WOW! I have been DMing for my 3 year old, 5 year old, and my wife. It's been a blast but also, and I never meant for it to be this way, it's turned into a fun way to teach life lessons.
In "A Giant Problem" my party rolled very well and had almost killed the giant. I narrated that he was nearly dead and my daughter...healed him. Feeling bad for him, and deciphering that he was hungry, she befriended the giant, healed him some more, and suggested the giant would have more food to eat if he went after the gnolls in the forest.
I was so proud of her creativity and her kindness, and now I have a Deus Ex Giant to call on in times of trouble. Thanks for the unforgettable encounter.
Joseph L. says...
“Wow!! Thank you so much this is amazing. I've read it and printed it out and it is absolutely perfect for the newcomers to the club. I've had my students painting minis for their characters that we have 3d printed in class (I'm a tech teacher) so they are so excited. We will absolutely be asking for funding to buy all the rest of these adventures. This is some of the best D&D pre-made content I have ever seen. Thank you again so so much!”
Keri R. says...
“We did our first adventure yesterday with my two kids (7&9) and it was great! Will definitely be continuing, it was so fun! Easy to understand and follow with fun characters and unique loot. Definitely made it easy for me to DM without too much prep. It’s perfect for us.”
Sarah M.
“These are pretty cute and take about an hour a session. Our 4yo is a bit young for them yet but our 6 and 10 year old love them, they were great for us as a family since none of us had played DnD before.”
Amy L. says...
“I got this game earlier this week and my 5yo daughter is loving it so far! She likes to play pretend and be Mina and have me playing Pitir as we go own adventures/develop more backstory for these characters. Thank you for writing these kid friendly adventures! We can’t wait to play more in the future. Please keep up the great work!”
Frances M. says...
“I've been loving being the DM for my group of 4 9-10 year old boys who are new to DND. I wouldn't be able to do it without you so thanks!”
Henry H. says...
“Hey, I just wanted to let you know how great I think what you're doing is. Right now I've got two separate kids' games going and am constantly having to dial back some content for the young players. I've also been tasked with starting a dnd club at our local elementary, but have been cautioned by a dnd-knowledgable staffer that I'd have to make sure the content was mild. You are saving my bacon. Thanks!”
Isaac R. says...
“I’ve started running this with my daughter, godson, and his older sisters (age range 5-9). They love it, and each adventure clocks in at about an hour, which is just about right for their attention span. For the youngest among them, the “rule of cool” sometimes needs to be invoked rather than sticking to the character sheet.”
Joseph L. says...
“Amazing! Thank you so much! I've been using your other adventures to teach kids the basics of D&D in my middle school. They are hooked! I really appreciate what you're doing. Your adventures are some of the best content for kids I've seen. And trust me, I've looked everywhere.“
Dana F. says...
“I have a close friend who has been gaming for 40 years and helped me acquire MANY materials and have spent countless hours trying to understand all of the rules. As a non player I found that it was as strenuous as a college level class!! I subscribed to your dnd adventure and it is EXACTLY what I was looking for, it's not too wordy, it is playable in about an hour and is part of a bigger arc. It’s wonderful!”
Thomas D. says...
“Y'all are doing an amazing job and I am very happy to be able to keep supporting y'all this way. Most all my DnD group uses your games with their children. My son (5 yo) is completely enamored with your adventures and it is making for some great memories! Thanks for making great adventures!”
Abigail D. says...
“I also just want to tell you how much my son LOVES getting these adventures in the mail. My husband acts as the DM and it’s their favorite evening of the month when they sit down to play. We usually invite a few friends to join and all the neighborhood boys are hooked. The art work is beautiful, the adventures are put together so well and the character sheets make it easy and fast flowing. Thanks for running such an awesome subscription!”
Alyssa R. says...
“My husband and I have played D&D for a long time (and continue to play weekly with our regular group). Our kids have been begging to play, but we were struggling to figure out how to simplify it enough that they wouldn't get bogged down, but not so much that it lost what makes it D&D. I'm so glad that I found your product because it's the perfect balance! We had our first session today with our kids and some of their friends (all around 8-9 years old). They can't stop talking about how much fun they had and are so excited to play again. Their parents even asked me all kinds of questions and kept saying that they didn't know D&D was so fun.”
Michael B. says...
"I absolutely love the idea of your product. I've been looking for a way to introduce my kids to D&D in a kid safe way and was so happy when I found your product.”
Lorrie M. says...
“The grandsons LOVE these DND monthlys! I love being able to do non- violent games with them!”
Mike R. says...
“Just wanted to say, we now have a great group of kids that play your stories as well as make their own adventures up almost every week!”
Haylie T. says...
“We played the mini adventure in the QuickStart Guide today and my 4.5yo and 7yo LOVED it. They ran around in excitement the whole time, only returning to the table to roll.”
Cassidy K. says...
“My son loves running your adventures for the family. It’s a great tool to encourage reading and imagination. Thank you again.”
Erik B. says...
“I have been having a blast playing D&D in classrooms using your materials.”
Daniella M. says...
I just wanted to say how much I love this product. My partner and I have been playing for many years now and we always knew we wanted to play with our boys when they're old enough and this let us speed up the process! Our 6 year old is loving his ogre barbarian and loves making decisions and rolling the dice to see what happens. It's very easy to DM in a way he understands, so I appreciate that because I'm not the world's most creative DM and could never come up with my own adventures.
Thanks for making this product!
Nathan E. says...
“Thank you for creating such wonderful and easy-to-use D&D adventures. I've been a subscriber for a while now and my 7-year-old and friends really enjoy it with me as their DM.
The artwork for the characters and the booklets is really phenomenal and helps bring it to life for everyone. The character artwork is perfect for the kids and helps spark their imagination.”
Brian B. says...
We got our books last weekend. We’ve played through two adventures and we’re having a blast. Everyone is having so much fun. I’ve been playing for years but I always struggled with a simple kid-friendly version. So thank you for making one!
Justin C. says...
Ran "The Trouble with Small" with my group. The game ran VERY well! Beginning to end, it ran just under 2 hours, and fit into my campaign like a dream! (I've been weaving in a rat-theme since we began a month ago). Seeing and holding them, the care and effort you put into each one is very evident. The layout and design choices stand out really well. These are excellent, you've even inspired me to see about having the kids run some of the adventures themselves!
Justin G. says...
“We finally found something to pull him away from the iPad!”
Gary L. says...
“Just wanted to share, the quality of the booklets received already are so good. I love the attention to detail, the quality and feel of the paper/cardstock, the fun illustrations, and the resource page on the website to link it all in. I am a fan!”
Isaac W. says...
“We got this for my 7 year old twin boys. They had an absolute blast. My wife was the DM and having never done it before was great at it. The books were easy to follow and learn after reading through it once.”
Kayla W. says...
“My kids and nephew absolutely enjoyed their session we did last month. They were SO excited to get their book this month!”
Devin H.
It was my first time as a DM and my 9yo daughter's, husband's, and mother's first time playing table top DnD too! We did The Something is Eating my Cheese in the Quickstart Guide and The Wandering Hut adventure. It was so much fun! We had a great time and I really enjoyed the role of DM.
Thank you so much for creating this type of DnD adventure foe those like me who was overwhelmed by trying to figure out how to DM from the regular books.
Already planning our next gaming session!
James M. says...
Hey y'all! Just want to send you this big appreciation. I've been using your character resource sheets since my daughter was three about a year and a half ago. Recently my daughter turned five and I finally bought some of your adventures on PDF because she seemed old enough to do a more linear adventure. For a long time, she played as Tris Ironguard and I would just make up funny stories and she would have all kinds of superpowers, but recently has enthusiastically switched to Wink Haberdasher. She even dressed up as Wink for Halloween today.
Dan T. says...
“I wanted to let you all know how great of a experience your product brings! I have 5 kids ranging from 6 to 11 and they all really enjoyed playing. Your books do such a great job at making DnD simple for kids to enjoy. They really enjoyed picking out their characters and I am grateful for the maps provided on your website as well! Again thank you so much and we will definitely be coming back once we get through our first adventures.”