
Ability Checks Made Easy
Rolling an ability check can often be the most rewarding and most challenging part of any game session. Let’s break down how to make this easy for Game Masters.

Rolling Ability Checks as a Group
Very often as a Game Master, you will find yourself saying “Roll a Perception Check as you enter the room” or “Roll a Stealth Check to get past the guards.” But who rolls, and how do you resolve the check when it’s an entire party of adventurers?

How to Run Persuasion Ability Checks
Persuasion is the Ability Check to roll to convince an Non-Player Character (NPC) to do something.

Hit Points and Unconsciousness
Sometimes combat doesn’t go well for the players. Every once in a while, a monster will wear a party down, and with one terrible attack, knocks an adventurer unconscious. What happens then?

Leveling Up Your Characters
Experience points, challenge rating and leveling up are parts of D&D that require access to an Official D&D Player’s Handbook and/or an Official D&D Starter Set.

Navigating Underground
Getting from place to place in the Murk is much harder than it is in the surface world. There are no sun, moon, or stars to guide oneself, just endless darkness and fields of rubble.

Reading Goblin
Goblin is the primary language of the Murk, a region of underground caves, crumbling tunnels, and ancient mines that criss-cross the Northern Reaches of DnD Adventure Club Adventures.

Exploring in Darkness
Darkness counts as anything from a forest at night to pitch-black caves, caverns, and windowless interior spaces.

An invisible creature is impossible to see, allowing them to go unnoticed even in close settings. But they are still physically present and still make noise.

Status Effects
Occasionally adventurers (and creatures and non-player characters!) are affected by spells, abilities, or other magical effects. We’ll always describe an effect in the text of an adventure, but here are two common effects.

Improvising Ability Checks
Some adventures includes encounters that require the Game Master to improvise an ability check. This should be a helpful reminder.

Investigation vs. Perception
Game Masters will often ask players to make PERCEPTION and INVESTIGATION ability checks as they enter a new area. It’s a handy roll to gauge how observant the adventurer is, whether they will miss vital clues or be surprised by a monster.

How to Play Small
If you want to bring in some normal-sized DnD creatures for your tiny players to battle, here’s a quick and easy way to do it.

Nature Proficiency Checks
Nature is the multi-purpose Ability Check for everything to do with the natural woods — identifying plants, finding rare herbs, and understanding the lore of the forest.

How to Run Contests
How do you Game Master contests that have just the right balance of luck and skill?

Picking Locks
Sleight of Hand is the multi-purpose ability check for thievery — picking pockets, picking locks, and dismantling traps. Use Sleight of Hand if the adventurers want to open a locked chest or disarm a trap without setting it off.

Advantage and Disadvantage
Rolling with ADVANTAGE is the easiest tool a Game Master has to add drama and challenge.