
Opposed Ability Checks
Can you win a game of chess against a Wizard? Can you beat an Ogre at arm wrestling? It’s time for an Opposed Ability Check.

How to Make an Ability Check
If an adventurer is trying to accomplish something, like sneaking up on a Goblin or lifting a heavy object, they need to make an ABILITY CHECK.

Ideal D&D group size for kids
I actually prefer two kids and one Dungeon Master. There’s something really nice about a dynamic duo. And for children with quieter voices who might be a little more shy, it allows them a safe space to tell their story.

Building connected D&D storylines for Kids
Every month as we are designing DnD Adventure Club‘s latest issue we think a lot about the attention spans of our youngest audience members. Every kid is different, but, on average, we feel like kids have the ability to sit around a table and tell a story for about 90 minutes before they need to jump up and run screaming around the backyard (or the house)!

Dungeons And Dragons And Libraries
One of the founding values of DnD Adventure Club is to create a fun way to inspire creative focus in young children. With this in mind here are three tips for starting a Dungeons and Dragons club at your local library.

Thanks TTRPG Kids!
One of our favorite resources on Tabletop Roleplaying Games for Kids did a great review of DnD Adventure Club. Check it out!

We Made the List!
Thanks Level 1 Geek! We appreciate everything you are doing to make the gaming table a safe place for kids!

Killing Monsters…. for Kids!
One of the most fun aspects of D&D is combat! Risking everything! Dodging fang and claw! Swinging wildly and plunging your trusty blade into the heart of a big nasty monster! What's not to love?!

Raised on DnD Podcast
Our co-founder, David Lemke, sat down with Raised on DnD for a chat about growing up on Dungeons & Dragons, how tabletop role-playing games encourage development of important life skills, and how DnD Adventure Club helps young gamers have fun running a new campaign for their friends.

Four tips for when your players don’t follow the plan.
You’ve spent all morning reading through the adventure three times. You’ve memorized the monster’s special attacks. You’ve even developed silly backstories for the bumbling bandits up ahead. AND suddenly your players decide to go the other way.

What is DnD Adventure Club?
We founded DnD Adventure Club because we are passionate about the power of DnD to bring people together. We are dedicated to helping young kids unlock a better, safer, more inclusive gateway to the wondrous world of DnD.

Why DnD Adventure Club?
I love DnD. But it’s got a huge audience problem. While the fan-base grows every year, 99.9% of DnD is still written, designed, and marketed to 30-year old cosplaying horror movie fans and geeky dads.

Three magic words to better connect with your kids.
How can you break through the screen time and mumbled responses and guarantee deeper and more rewarding conversations with your kids? I’ve got 3 words for you…