Picking Locks

Sleight of Hand is the multi-purpose ability check for thievery — picking pockets, picking locks, and dismantling traps. Use Sleight of Hand if the adventurers want to open a locked chest or disarm a trap without setting it off. Sleight of Hand is a DEXTERITY ability check. 

To make a Sleight of Hand check, have the player roll a d20 and add their Sleight of Hand bonus listed on their character sheet. If players aren’t proficient in Sleight of Hand, use their DEXTERITY bonus instead. If the total equals or is higher than the difficulty number listed in the text, they succeed.

Some common Sleight of Hand checks might be:

  • Pick a commoner’s pocket, Sleight of Hand check of 10 or higher

  • Pick a basic lock, Sleight of Hand check of 14 or higher

  • Disarm a clever trap, Sleight of Hand check of 16 or higher


How to Run Contests


Advantage and Disadvantage