How to Run Contests

DnD Adventure Club Adventure 005: The Tumble Sprite Rally includes several contests, like the big foot race at the beginning. How do you Game Master contests that have just the right balance of luck and skill?

First, pick two abilities that best fit the nature of the contest. Is it a game of chance like poker? Use INTELLIGENCE and CHARISMA for the bluffing. 

Is it a parkour obstacle course? Use STRENGTH and DEXTERITY for the tricky jumps.

Then have everyone who is in the contest roll a d10 and add their appropriate ability bonus. If there is a skill that fits, use that bonus instead. Write down the totals and tell your players who’s in the lead.

Next, have your players roll another d10 and add the bonus from their second ability. Add these two numbers together and then add them to the total from round one.

Whoever has the highest total score is the winner!

Decide ties with a simple d20 roll-off!

(d10 )+ (1st ability score bonus) + (d10) + (2nd ability score bonus) = total score


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