Why DnD Adventure Club?

I love DnD. But it’s got a huge audience problem. While the fan-base grows every year, 99.9% of DnD is still written, designed, and marketed to adults.

Don’t get me wrong, I love adults. I was an adult once.

Monster Manual

But when I started dungeon mastering for my 9-year old daughter and her friends, my wife and I were shocked at how much editing we had to do to make the stories and adventures enjoyable for kids… and palatable for helicopter parents. Gruesome monsters, tawdry and often misogynist characters, and labyrinthine plot lines are the norm.

That’s when my wife had the idea for DnD Adventure Club. One morning as I was busily taping a fake smiley face cover over the Official Monster Manual, getting ready for a DnD birthday party, she said, “I wish there were better DnD products for kids.” And bingo! The lightbulbs went off like a Faerie Dragon on a moonberry bender.

And that’s how it all began.

Don’t think for a moment that DnD Adventure Club is too tame. Kids love the grisly stuff. I get it. My daughter is half elven shadow rogue and half ogre barbarian. But the trick is making sure it’s the right type of grisly and that there is always a way to puzzle through an encounter without stabbing someone. Pesky faeries, devious traps and hungry owlbears fill the pages of each issue.

We’ve streamlined the rules and written step-by-step instructions for running encounters that will inspire young Game Masters, without all the yucky stuff. We hope you’ll agree.

Check out the club at www.DnDAdventureClub.com.


What is DnD Adventure Club?


Three magic words to better connect with your kids.